September 18, 2024 | Other Activities
The development of data use is now increasingly necessary in government policy making, both at the central and regional levels. In order to implement development that is right on target, good synergy is needed from each role, including Pembina Data, Wali Data, and Produsen Data, so that this goal can be achieved.
Carrying the theme "Penyelenggaraan Statistik Sektoral untuk Mewujudkan Satu Data Indonesia Kabupaten Halmahera Timur yang Akurat, Mutakhir, Terpadu, dan Dapat Dibagipakaikan", the Regent of Halmahera Timur Regency, Ubaid Yakub, opened the meeting with an emphasis on One Data Indonesia (SDI), and the need to improve Sectoral Statistics within the Halmahera Timur Regency Government. This requires in-depth understanding of each agency under the local Government so that the implementation of SDI and Sectoral Statistics can run smoothly.
To obtain comprehensive and effective data, the strengthening of SDI development presented by Mochtar Ade, as a resource person from the Regional Development Planning, Research, and Development Agency (BP4D), opened the training held on Tuesday, September 18, 2024, in the Meeting Room of the Halmahera Timur Regency Government Office. It concluded with a presentation by Fadlun Latara from BPS-Statistics Maluku Utara Province, discussing the preparation of appropriate Sectoral Statistics. SDI and Sectoral Statistics were the main topics of discussion led by the Head of BPS-Statistics Halmahera Timur Regency, Arman Yoisangadji, as moderator in the Development Sectoral Statistics (PSS).
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Halmahera Timur (Statistics East Halmahera Regency)Jl. Transhalmahera Soagimalaha